If bold and gorgeous is what you're after, then look no further than the Bird of Paradise. These regal plants (for which they are named, reginae) are named for the beautiful and colorful crane-like flowers that they produce, resembling the head of the exotic bird of paradise (an actual bird). Another interesting characteristic of this plant is in the way the leaves are split. Don't fret - the splitting is not a result of bad care, but the way the plant evolved to handle strong winds. The leaves naturally split to allow wind to pass through so that the plant does not snap in place and die. How cool!
Decor pot sold separately.
Bird of Paradise
High to medium light. Some direct sunlight would be ideal. Water weekly when top 1-2" of soil is dry to touch. Water more frequently during warmer summer months. Root will rot if left sitting in water so do not over water. Fertilize monthly during growth.
Bird of Paradise will grow to 5' (or more depending on space and conditions) indoors, with a spread about 2-3'.